Sunday, March 23, 2008

i got shat on by a bird yesterday and didn't even know until i got home.

hmm, i wonder how long i was walking around for with it on my back.


  1. Hmmm.. how unfortunate! I've experienced the same thing before, some bird doo landed on my hair and T-shirt (ewwwwwwwww!!!!), I washed it off in a public toilet. The Chinese have this superstition that if you get shat on or if you step on some doo (or you dream of something similar) money's coming your way so you should go buy the lottery. I did of course but did not win a cent! Do Koreans have a similar superstition? How are you doing these days, Thawny? I suffered from insomnia a couple of years back but after a couple of months it just went away on it's own.Why do you have to move next month? Didn't you just move in this place recently?
    I'm glad you dropped by my blog. Anytime you wanna chat, you can email me,
    Oh, I'm going to Singapore and KL and perhaps Ho Chi Minh city OR Korea. Take care for now! Carol

  2. Some people (like me) consider that good luck because of all the places for the shit to drop, it drops on you. :-)

    Seriously!! If I get pigeon shit on me, I will run to the bodega and buy me a lottery ticket.

  3. I think we Filipinos also have this superstition that when bird poop lands on you, it's supposed to be some kind of good luck. (Well, was it to you?)

    About the insomnia, I hope you're doing okay.

    Take care.
