i hate new year's eve.
there's too much fucking pressure to go out, drink, find someone to kiss, and start the new year in the most spectacular way possible. why is it that people get all fanatic about the day?
last year was the first time i ever went out for nye in my life. i had fun and all, but seriously --- what's the big deal?
i worked today at the retail store in soho and i feel kind of beat. i have a few parties i was invited to, but honestly none of them sound too appealing. i'm thinking maybe i'll just be super lame and stay in, but with no tv or internet, well it would truly be a lame nye. hmm... what to do?
nonetheless, i wish everyone else has a safe and happy new years.
and please don't drink and drive, it's not worth it.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
i had a very small dinner party at my place this past weekend.
all my guests were asked to bring in a homemade dish or booze, and to my pleasant surprise, almost everybody opted to bring a homemade dish instead of liquor. how awesome is that?
suffice it to say, the food was almost as amazing as the company. i had such a fun time and was very grateful to be surrounded by so many of my amazing friends.
enjoy the pics below.
ps- my favorite pictures are of my old roommate from dumbo, takeshi, having a white-caste ham
all my guests were asked to bring in a homemade dish or booze, and to my pleasant surprise, almost everybody opted to bring a homemade dish instead of liquor. how awesome is that?
suffice it to say, the food was almost as amazing as the company. i had such a fun time and was very grateful to be surrounded by so many of my amazing friends.
enjoy the pics below.
ps- my favorite pictures are of my old roommate from dumbo, takeshi, having a white-caste ham
drunken debauchery,
prospect heights
Monday, December 22, 2008
people are getting laid left and right on this planet every moment of the day --- especially in new york city.
today i had a thought and wondered, i wonder if people feel the same way i do after getting some action?
i was walking to the 2nd avenue stop of the f train earlier this evening in the east village after getting some booty, and just because it doesn't happen to me that often --- i couldn't help but have a huge kool-aid smile on my face while walking around with a skip in my step and a twinkle in my eye. to quote dave chappelle from the oscar winning film, half-baked, the line that continuously ran through my head was, "i got some booty, i got some booty!"
that made me think, i wonder how many people i pass by and interact with on a constant basis that are singing their own sex ditty in their heads?
today i had a thought and wondered, i wonder if people feel the same way i do after getting some action?
i was walking to the 2nd avenue stop of the f train earlier this evening in the east village after getting some booty, and just because it doesn't happen to me that often --- i couldn't help but have a huge kool-aid smile on my face while walking around with a skip in my step and a twinkle in my eye. to quote dave chappelle from the oscar winning film, half-baked, the line that continuously ran through my head was, "i got some booty, i got some booty!"
that made me think, i wonder how many people i pass by and interact with on a constant basis that are singing their own sex ditty in their heads?
east village,
for any Yukio Mishima fans out there, the film forum in nyc on houston is playing paul schrader's 1985 film, mishima: a life in four chapters.
this film is only playing for a week, and i caught the sunday evening show at 7 pm. i have to say that the film is beautiful and very aesthetically engaging --- the scenery and sets are vibrant with color and are really inspiring at times. one scene will go from a cafe where all the characters are wearing hyper bright, bubble-gum colored clothing and make up, and then it will go to a very dark and morbid black and white scene. the music for the movie was also really spectauclar and enhanced the movie very well. while i'm not too knowledgeable on philip glass and his work, i have heard some other stuff he's composed and i enjoy his music very much. the movie also changed my views on mishima himself, who was a very radical man that was deeply invested in bringing the japanese military to the superpower it once was generations ago and doing away with capitalism.
while i might not agree with his views on that, his writing speaks for itself and i don't know anyone who could read any of his books and not appreciate the beauty in his gift with words --- i wish i could write like him.
this movie is only playing until dec 23, so there's still a few more days to go watch it. if anyone catches it, let me know what you thought of it.

well, i've got to get up for work in a few hours so i'm going to try and go to sleep for the millionth time tonight.
this film is only playing for a week, and i caught the sunday evening show at 7 pm. i have to say that the film is beautiful and very aesthetically engaging --- the scenery and sets are vibrant with color and are really inspiring at times. one scene will go from a cafe where all the characters are wearing hyper bright, bubble-gum colored clothing and make up, and then it will go to a very dark and morbid black and white scene. the music for the movie was also really spectauclar and enhanced the movie very well. while i'm not too knowledgeable on philip glass and his work, i have heard some other stuff he's composed and i enjoy his music very much. the movie also changed my views on mishima himself, who was a very radical man that was deeply invested in bringing the japanese military to the superpower it once was generations ago and doing away with capitalism.
while i might not agree with his views on that, his writing speaks for itself and i don't know anyone who could read any of his books and not appreciate the beauty in his gift with words --- i wish i could write like him.
this movie is only playing until dec 23, so there's still a few more days to go watch it. if anyone catches it, let me know what you thought of it.

well, i've got to get up for work in a few hours so i'm going to try and go to sleep for the millionth time tonight.
yukio mishima
Sunday, December 21, 2008
i feel so frustrated and annoyed at life.
i need to calm down, clear my thoughts, take a nice hot shower, and just shut the fuck up and get over it.
maybe it's seasonal depression but i just don't feel like doing shit and am in a funk.
i need to calm down, clear my thoughts, take a nice hot shower, and just shut the fuck up and get over it.
maybe it's seasonal depression but i just don't feel like doing shit and am in a funk.
1. am in dire need of a haircut
2. need some intimacy
3. was happy this morning, walking through the fresh snow in brooklyn while stoned and blasting salt-n-pepa's "push-it" on my ipod --- which randomly started to play as i walked up the stairs and exited the clinton-washington subway station
4. feel very blah about shit
5. saw debbie harry aka BLONDIE the other day on prince street in soho
6. wish that i could fall sleep
1. am in dire need of a haircut
2. need some intimacy
3. was happy this morning, walking through the fresh snow in brooklyn while stoned and blasting salt-n-pepa's "push-it" on my ipod --- which randomly started to play as i walked up the stairs and exited the clinton-washington subway station
4. feel very blah about shit
5. saw debbie harry aka BLONDIE the other day on prince street in soho
6. wish that i could fall sleep
celebrity sighting,
prospect heights,
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
when i was a kid, one of my favorite things to do when it snowed at night was to just stare at the sky. i love how the sky turns slightly pink and everything outside gets so quiet --- like the snow is muffling all the sound that exists in the world.
anyone else in nyc doing/thinking the same thing right now at this very moment?
anyone else in nyc doing/thinking the same thing right now at this very moment?
Monday, December 15, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Friday, December 05, 2008
last night, my college had an alumni holiday party at tom colicchio's restaurant, craftbar, on broadway and off of 20th. i went with one of my only college friends, magali. i only have two friends from college --- one lives in l.a. and is doing the whole acting thing and mags lives in new york on and off. it's funny because magali is my only college friend i chill with, and i'm the same for her. we both had no other friends from school and don't keep touch with anyone at all except for our favorite college professor.
last night was one of those amazingly crazy and surreal nights in life that i probably won't forget.
magali and i get to craftbar and we get in line for coat check. then we head downstairs to the private room and we start drinking the free shit and eating the free food. we were both anticipating the arrival of our favorite college professor, whom i hadn't see in 2 years. so our former professor gets there, and it was really great seeing him and catching up on our lives. he is one of the most downest, wisest, and awesome professors i've ever had in my life. i respect him so much. it was also interesting because i saw him featured in this story late last year in the now folded (almost) men's vogue, and was so shocked that i did a double-take when i saw it. then months later, his writing started to appear in the magazine and i couldn't believe that it was actually him sharing so much great shit in these stories. i really missed him, so it was so good to see him again last night.
soon after, that's when the craziness of the night really started. to make a short story very short, mags and i met this crazy, weird ass lang alumni guy and we ended up chilling with him all night. it was just one of those crazy ass moments in life where i'm like, "i'm definitely going to be telling the story of this night to other people for the rest of my life," especially at parties haha.
i got four hours of sleep last night, and i can definitely feel that i am not in my young twenties anymore. you go to love life, right? it throws you these crazy changes but you learn to be happy with everything.
below are a few photos mags and i took.

last night was one of those amazingly crazy and surreal nights in life that i probably won't forget.
magali and i get to craftbar and we get in line for coat check. then we head downstairs to the private room and we start drinking the free shit and eating the free food. we were both anticipating the arrival of our favorite college professor, whom i hadn't see in 2 years. so our former professor gets there, and it was really great seeing him and catching up on our lives. he is one of the most downest, wisest, and awesome professors i've ever had in my life. i respect him so much. it was also interesting because i saw him featured in this story late last year in the now folded (almost) men's vogue, and was so shocked that i did a double-take when i saw it. then months later, his writing started to appear in the magazine and i couldn't believe that it was actually him sharing so much great shit in these stories. i really missed him, so it was so good to see him again last night.
soon after, that's when the craziness of the night really started. to make a short story very short, mags and i met this crazy, weird ass lang alumni guy and we ended up chilling with him all night. it was just one of those crazy ass moments in life where i'm like, "i'm definitely going to be telling the story of this night to other people for the rest of my life," especially at parties haha.
i got four hours of sleep last night, and i can definitely feel that i am not in my young twenties anymore. you go to love life, right? it throws you these crazy changes but you learn to be happy with everything.
below are a few photos mags and i took.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
it's funny because i think about stuff to blog about throughout the day, but when i get home --- i never remember any of it. my memory is shot to hell.
one thing i will write about are my morning commutes to work. all i can say is, what the fuck? i swear, there are so many idiots who don't know how the hell to act on the damn subway. one thing that drives me bonkers is when two people are standing in front of the doors of the subway cart, and when the doors open and close, they just fucking stand there and don't move when you try to get on or off. because of these two idiots, everyone has to squeeze in between this tiny space --- and this is all during morning rush hour. why stand in front of the doors if you got on the train in brooklyn and you're getting off at bryant park? makes absolutely no sense. if you're getting off in a stop or two, that's fine --- but to stand there and put up with people squeezing in between your stupid ass for 25 minutes? that my friend, makes you a god damn idiot.
one more thing about the subway --- why the hell do people lay really bad farts on crowded subways? like, seriously? you couldn't take a shit before you left your house or just squeeze your asshole shut until you got off the train? that is just unpleasant for everyone.
blah. nyc subways are dirty, annoying, and sometimes just one big underground urinal, but i still love it. nothing beats nyc subways.
aside from that rant, work is the same --- busy as always. the apt is good as well. i've been having people over constantly and usually just cook for them. i now love cooking. my favorite game to play on a daily basis is, "what the hell can i make for dinner with the shit in my cupboard?" and i'm not talking about chef boyardee (which i love but it's so bad for you) or hungry man tv dinners (which i love but it's so bad for you), but actual cooking! that means i chop up fresh produce, season stuff to taste with fresh pepper and sea salt, use white wine to cook, and have to actually work for my meals. i never really started cooking until now because all the past apartments i lived in had disgusting and shitty ass kitchens. my kitchen now is still even pretty small and nothing fancy, but all the appliances work and there aren't roaches watching me cook as they chill in my dishes --- i feel so spoiled.
i also have no tv or internet, so i don't have much else to do when i'm home. all my guests are forced to sit together and have an actual conversation without any distractions. i know, cruel right? but hey, i don't plan to get a tv or maybe even internet anytime soon and would rather have great conversation any day. my guests just have to deal with it.
one thing i will write about are my morning commutes to work. all i can say is, what the fuck? i swear, there are so many idiots who don't know how the hell to act on the damn subway. one thing that drives me bonkers is when two people are standing in front of the doors of the subway cart, and when the doors open and close, they just fucking stand there and don't move when you try to get on or off. because of these two idiots, everyone has to squeeze in between this tiny space --- and this is all during morning rush hour. why stand in front of the doors if you got on the train in brooklyn and you're getting off at bryant park? makes absolutely no sense. if you're getting off in a stop or two, that's fine --- but to stand there and put up with people squeezing in between your stupid ass for 25 minutes? that my friend, makes you a god damn idiot.
one more thing about the subway --- why the hell do people lay really bad farts on crowded subways? like, seriously? you couldn't take a shit before you left your house or just squeeze your asshole shut until you got off the train? that is just unpleasant for everyone.
blah. nyc subways are dirty, annoying, and sometimes just one big underground urinal, but i still love it. nothing beats nyc subways.
aside from that rant, work is the same --- busy as always. the apt is good as well. i've been having people over constantly and usually just cook for them. i now love cooking. my favorite game to play on a daily basis is, "what the hell can i make for dinner with the shit in my cupboard?" and i'm not talking about chef boyardee (which i love but it's so bad for you) or hungry man tv dinners (which i love but it's so bad for you), but actual cooking! that means i chop up fresh produce, season stuff to taste with fresh pepper and sea salt, use white wine to cook, and have to actually work for my meals. i never really started cooking until now because all the past apartments i lived in had disgusting and shitty ass kitchens. my kitchen now is still even pretty small and nothing fancy, but all the appliances work and there aren't roaches watching me cook as they chill in my dishes --- i feel so spoiled.
i also have no tv or internet, so i don't have much else to do when i'm home. all my guests are forced to sit together and have an actual conversation without any distractions. i know, cruel right? but hey, i don't plan to get a tv or maybe even internet anytime soon and would rather have great conversation any day. my guests just have to deal with it.
prospect heights,
stupid people,
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
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