Saturday, January 24, 2009

oh man, i totally had my whole reoccurring high-school nightmare and just woke up in an absolute panic. i dreamt that i had been skipping math class for weeks and that i wasn't going to graduate.

it's been 7 years since i graduated high school and i still get these nightmares every now and then. i'm also not the type of person who gets nightmares often so when i do, they usually really freak me out. i wonder if i'll still get them when i'm 50.


  1. Math will ALWAYS cause nightmares.

  2. looks like you are being haunted by HS math how terrible!

  3. HA! I have one of those nightmares at least once a year.

  4. Next to falling, losing your teeth, and being crushed by ghosts, school nightmares are pretty common. I have them every once in awhile and I still wake up sweating and wondering if I'm really missing that class, or that quiz is really coming up, or not finding the classroom...
