Monday, April 06, 2009

does anyone else read PostScret? it's one of my favorites blogs out there and reading about all these other people who feel the same way i do out there makes me think that humans all hurt and feel sadness in the same way. it's universal.

anyway, i usually do not like using images that don't belong to me, but i read the following post card and it made me feel really sad. i don't know what i would if i was going through life without him next to me, being in a relationship makes feels so nice with someone you care about. sometimes i think that maybe thing's were destined to be this way, and this is why i'm going through my first serious relationship in the exact period in my life where so many other things are changing. for 26 years, it was always my professional life that blossomed and grew and my non-existent love life made me feel so lonely, which in turn affected every other factor in my life. it's funny how life works out. everything happens for a reason.


  1. aww that such a sad post secret. i havn't checked that blog in so long. some of them really hits the spot too.
