Friday, July 17, 2009

the break up wasn't ugly and i know it's for the better, but thinking about the whole situation and how things unfolded just makes me so sad.

i just feel so sad about everything.

i can't remember the last time i was home in brooklyn on a friday night because i usually always stayed at his place every weekend in the UES. my roommate is also out of town until this sunday night, so i have the place all to myself. i don't know if that's a good or bad thing. i just want to shower, have some beer and go to bed for now.


  1. Hang in there! Wish I was there to hang out and keep your mind off the break-up.

  2. you should have some friends come over. friends are always a good source of fun.

  3. Big hug. It's not easy to adapt from a routine with a bf to all of a sudden going back to bed all alone. It's definitely best for you to be busy at work or hanging out with friends not to spend time in the past.

  4. wow. sorry to hear about this. hope you're ok.
