Tuesday, August 02, 2011

have you ever been eating something so good that during your meal, it made you wish the space in your stomach was never-ending so you could stuff your face with it for eternity?

i don't know what this dish's name is but it's a mixture of fried and hainese chicken over rice that come with these amazing sauces (it's ALL about the sauces). i sometimes eat it twice a day and while i'll mostly likely discover a new favorite dish later on since i've already gone through a few obsessive thai-street-food phases where i'll eat the same dish for weeks, this dish is my current thai-street-food addiction of the moment.


  1. yum...of course i have.

  2. oooh that sounds so good!!

    and YES. i wish that all the time!
    sometimes when im eating something SOOO good, i start to get a little anxiety when i feel myself getting full...

  3. to answer your question: Y E S. All the time!

  4. I am one of those people who can eat the same thing over and over and over again every day until I get sick of it and move on to another one. :)
