Saturday, October 08, 2011

i've come to learn that loneliness is usually a state of mind, but then that can also be a load of bullshit as well.

if you spend most of your time alone with no one to talk to, that will naturally lead to thinking constantly and sometimes obsessively about stuff, and that is what i think leads to my actual loneliness. you can try and keep busy, but whether you're bored or busy, there's still no one but your own thoughts to engage with. i spend most of my time alone and find myself feeling pretty lonesome. then i think about how i would really like to experience being in a serious relationship with someone i genuinely like, but i've felt lonely like this before even when i was in a relationship, so i think it's just me. and so now i'm really adamant on figuring out how to fix this.


  1. I know what you mean...

  2. maybe just force urself to get out of the house. join a charity or a meet up or a recreational club maybe? just make friends or even just acquaintances? will make u feel less lonely i feel. as far as it being in ur head, yes it can be true that its in your head. but being physically with other people and talking and interacting my lead to changing that a little? a relationship helps for sure, but u can't seek a relationship just coZ we r lonely right? we all know how those kind of relationships end. lol..
    ur gonna be fine thawny... i promise.. just fake a smile [trust me it helps] and walk out of your house every morning. magic will happen if u believe it will ;-)
