Sunday, November 20, 2011

christmas came early in bangkok!

i went to a convenience store today in a busy area and it was stocked with shelves and shelves of good-quality and brand-named water. for the first time, this year i'm going to add "drinking water available for purchasing" to my list of thanksgiving stuff.

speaking of thanksgiving, i'm still not sure what to do since i don't really have any options haha. at times like these, i really miss being back in nyc. i miss cooking for people and inviting my friends over. i miss vegging out and talking while getting wasted in the comforts of home. i miss all the interaction that goes on and trying to remember all of it the next morning.

also, the weather is nothing short of perfect today. the rainy season is over and thailand is headed into its winter but trust me, it's still hot and tropical as hell. thank god the humidity is gone and the skies have been cloudless everyday.

sadly though, my good friend is moving to another country and is having his farewell party tonight. my life in bangkok would've been completely different had i not met him through my old boss in korea, so tonight is going to be extra special.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you're missing Thanksgiving. I'm heading to NYC for the weekend.
