Sunday, July 04, 2010

it is so difficult for me to lie in bed with the lights off and just fall asleep.

it's just me, the darkness and my thoughts and my mind starts to wander and i get extreme anxiety. i have nothing to concentrate or think about other than the fact that i can't fall asleep, on top of other subjects of worry which i won't discuss. lately i can only put up with five minutes of doing that, and then i hop out of bed and decide to come online until i think i'm getting sleepy again. then i get tired after mindless web-surfing and go to bed and the same thing happens again. this happens at least a few times a night, with hour gaps between each cycle.

at times like this, i really fucking wish worked in korea.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:25 PM

    you seem worse off than when you were in ny

    call a friend on those lonely nights and let the floodgates open

    if there's nothing of consequence to talk about discuss the weather, politics and even trashy pop culture gossip
