Saturday, May 13, 2006


damn i am so exhausted. i can't believe i haven't written here in almost a week.

i had my last day of classes this past thursday. i'm elated that the school semester is now officially over, no more stressing about papers and all that stuff. woohoo. now i get to only stress about work.

today was a normal day for work. feeling overworked and stressed as usual, but enough about that.

but alas, it is a friday night and i can sleep in tomorrow. i'll probably end up going into the office anyway to get some work done, but at least it'll be saturday and the office will be empty for the most part.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:47 PM

    In regards to the email, I think it would be best if you maintained an open dialogue. Not to justify, but the person who may have wrote it probably has the same vision for the channel that you have. But I do know much criticism -- however constructive and flowery -- can cut. And cut deep.

    I wish you all the luck with you and your hyung.
