Wednesday, August 31, 2011


i miss you guys.

drunkenly walking home through the streets of bangkok is something i immensely enjoy doing.
sometimes, the lyrics to the following song constantly loop through my head when i walk through a crowd of people who think they look and dress like the shit.

rock star by hole

"when i went to school in olympia
everyone's the same
what do you do with a revolution?
when i went to school in olympia
yea don't you please
make me real- fuck you
make me sick- fuck you
make me real- fuck you."

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

my attention span and ability to concentrate is noticeably fading . how the hell does one fix this?

Sunday, August 28, 2011

with all judgments aside, the amount of everyday, regular people who choose to upload naked photos of themselves onto websites is really astounding.
life gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude resentment gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude irritation gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude arghhh gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude gratitude .
"But I am no poet. I am only a very conscientious recorder."

lolita by vladimir nabokov. page 80.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

since i had my fucking camera stolen by those assholes the other night and can't afford to buy a new one, i guess my dogs-of-bangkok series will be on hiatus until who knows when.

anyway, here are some photos that i was planning up upload in the next batch.

Friday, August 19, 2011

poipet, cambodia.

i was right, there was absolutely nothing to see or do here. most visitors go to this point on the thailand-cambodian border solely for visa purposes, and that leaves the area's extracurricular activity choices left to shitty casinos and more shitty casinos. since i don't believe in gambling, i spent most of my time in my room watching al-jazeera.

i'm hoping to make another trip to cambodia with friends in the near future. i'm sure that experience will be much better than the one i just had. however, i'm just happy to be back in bangkok again, it feels like home here.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

it's been so difficult to write anything the past week or so.

i'm not sure what's going on in my head nowadays. i feel like i'm at this critical moment of my life where i'm think about things so differently and starting to truly understand who i really am and what sort of person i think i will eventually grow into. going through these emotions seems odd and novel at times, and all of it just leaves me feeling confused with a stream of never-ending questions.

anyway, i am going to cambodia in a few hours for another visa-run. i'll be there alone for about 2 nights and 3 days, and after doing some research, i've come to the conclusion that i will most likely be spending that time in my room. there's apparently nothing to do around there, and doesn't seem to be the greatest place to travel and explore on my own. i hope i'm proved wrong but i guess we'll see. there's also no wifi at the place where i'm staying so i hope i'll be able to get some work done.

as for now, i'll leave you with a photo i took earlier tonight. i was walking around khao san after getting there by bus and was delighted by what i saw. aside from my first night in bangkok when i arrived on one of the largest holidays of the year, i have never seen the streets around khao san lit up like this. while i actually avoid khao san and only go on those occasions when i need to run a certain errand or if i'm showing an out-of-towner around there, it was nice to be in the vicinity today. all of the lit-up trees and lights reminded me of christmas time back in nyc---my favorite time of year in nyc---and it got me all nostalgic and warm inside. it was also raining again in bangkok around that time, so the streets were wet and looked like nyc-streets that were wet from melted snow.

i hope everyone enjoys the rest of your weeks.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Friday, August 12, 2011

i'm feeling dispirited.

i just want to eat.

and then eat again.

and then eat some more.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Saturday, August 06, 2011

more dogs of bangkok.

another thing i noticed is that considering the amount of stray dogs roaming the streets, it feels pretty rare to come upon dog poop.

Friday, August 05, 2011

since i'm always on the hunt for good quality music from the 90's, i recently discovered Deee-Lite's first album, World Clique, and fell head-over-heels in love with it. of course "Groove Is In the Heart" is the group's most well-known and defining song, but the rest of the tracks on this album are also good and for the most part even better. i love the sound of the whole album, the beats are simple without any useless distractions---listening to it makes me think of how it would have been if i went out and partied at downtown nyc clubs in the early 90's. some of my more favorite tracks that i recommend are "Deep Ending" and "E.S.P."

every time i read the news and learn about all the tragic ways in which peoples' lives end, it just makes me wonder: were these people brought into the world's existence just to be dreadfully taken away in such an unfortunate manner?

to think that they had all the hopes and dreams of every other person in this planet, making them no different from you or me, and then to have the last moments of their lives be filled with fear and terror is just so upsetting and sad...

Thursday, August 04, 2011

every sex scene i've ever had to painfully sit through for a film or television show is so gratuitous and unnecessary to the plot-line of the story.

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

life in bangkok.

call me old-fashioned---considering our current times---but i'm an email and phone-call type of guy.
have you ever been eating something so good that during your meal, it made you wish the space in your stomach was never-ending so you could stuff your face with it for eternity?

i don't know what this dish's name is but it's a mixture of fried and hainese chicken over rice that come with these amazing sauces (it's ALL about the sauces). i sometimes eat it twice a day and while i'll mostly likely discover a new favorite dish later on since i've already gone through a few obsessive thai-street-food phases where i'll eat the same dish for weeks, this dish is my current thai-street-food addiction of the moment.