Thursday, September 01, 2011

i have such a love/hate relationship with the internet which borderlines on addiction.

i need to learn how to put my foot down sometimes...


  1. I live in the matrix. It is my existence since I left my home.

  2. tell me if you want a good technique of putting your foot down! i'm in the same boat.

  3. tell me about it! sometimes when im out with friends or something, i think in the back of my mind "uggh, i wish i was just at home right now on the internet..." hahah omg thats so bad

  4. Anonymous7:50 PM


    i take time out for sure and give some time to my other love - tv

  5. i found myself at the end of one day, not having left the house or even brushed my teeth, but instead surfin blogs, facebooking and stumbling upon websites all day. it was disgusting. and i feel your pain.
