Thursday, July 11, 2013

This trip back to Alaska was so many things, in so many ways.

Being able to reconnect with my family, relatives, and childhood-state of a few years helped a lot in the process of paying respects to my uncle. It wasn't the same without him there, but then again, I feel like he was actually there more than ever.

After more than three years and some years, it was nice to be see my relatives again as well. Being around them just made me remember that it's nice to be surrounded by others who you share so many memories and connections with, and that I'm proud to be a part of our tight-knight clan.

Here's to you, 큰아빠 and Alaska!


  1. Tae you look so good in those photos!
    I guess you really are from Alaska, no more Alaska, NJ jokes

  2. nice pictures. alaska. how exotic. and your hair looks great too btw.
