Tuesday, May 24, 2011

like satan, procrastination comes in many forms.

my work isn’t coming along as smoothly as i’d like it to, and ive come to realize that it's 100% my fault since i will find any and every excuse to put off my writing. sometimes i’ll be sitting in front of my computer, trying to produce something that isn’t complete garbage, and out of the corner of my eye, i'll see some dirt on the floor. that'll lead me to sweep and then i naturally, of course have to wipe down all the surfaces in my studio. hours later, i'm back from the shopping center big c, attempting to put up the whiteboard that i just purchased in order to help me creatively---it's really out of control sometimes. i also haven't had internet in my room for over a month to keep from wasting time online, but then sometimes i will go through crazy lengths in order to go gain access. if i simply had it in my room, that would keep me from riding cabs to my friend's house at 2am or trekking all the way to an internet cafe just to find out their service is down for the day. the many other ways i've managed to procrastinate is by watching every movie and music video i own a countless number of times, repeatedly creating and taking down an inspiration board of photos on one of my walls, looking continuously over and over the 10,000 photos i have in my comp, boredom-dialing all my friends back in the states, and etc.

okay, now that i've realized this problem, i must work on fixing it.


  1. i wanna see a story soon!!

  2. hahha....i do the same thing. I cant draw or cut seriously unless the whole house is straightened up which leads to dusting the corners of the ceiling and walls sometimes and by the time im done its like shit im too tired now and then lets not get into the cooking because that is a whole different ridiculous distraction.

  3. Well, when you finally do accomplish something you will love it so much more for climbing thru the tiny, tight window of distractions to jump down onto some nice firm creativity.
