i've been in seoul for exactly one week now.
besides from getting very ill from food poisoning to the point where i had to go to two hospitals in seoul by ambulance (i'll write more about that experience in detail next time), everything else has been fine. i've been trying to explore the city on my own as much as possible by walking around different neighborhoods and while the hot weather and my sweating/glandular problem doesn't allow me to walk around as much as i would like to, i'm still enjoying myself here. the world cup also starts tonight so the whole country is in a frenzy, especially seoul. i haven't started to seriously look for a job yet, i'm going to give myself one more week to relax, travel and explore and then i'll be on full job-search mode.
so now that it's been over a week since i left nyc, that also means i haven't smoked weed in a week.
the last time i went one week without smoking was when i came to asia three years ago after graduating from college and that trip lasted almost three months. i can say that i have been smoking on a regular basis since i started college almost ten years ago, and smoking on a daily basis for perhaps the past two years or so. i'm glad to not smoke for a while, it's a good change that my brain and body definitely needs. however, having it in my system is something that my brain and body has gotten used to the past few years and i think i might be going through withdrawal right now. i feel so irritable, moody, anxious and just annoyed by everything for absolutely no reason. the thing is i was doing totally fine until earlier today, and now i just want to punch something or go sleep forever in a dark cave. i googled "marijuana withdrawal" and it seems that i probably
am suffering from it. don't get me wrong, i'm very happy for the sober change and to not be stoned 24/7 anymore. truthfully i know that if it's accessible, i will want to smoke because i have no self-control when it comes to weed and it's a huge vice of mine. but i am in no way expecting to smoke while i'm in asia so thankfully my addict-ridden brain isn't even thinking about it anymore.
i just can't wait until i get through this and i'm feeling better. it was fun while it lasted but it's time to move.